January heat

The hot weather has continued, with several days above 40- the hottest so far being 44.5! We have a few allocated ‘sanctuaries’ where the wildlife can have some respite from the heat- one being the ‘billabong’ which we established not long after we moved in.

With that level of heat, we have lost a few plants and others are struggling, but there are a remarkable amount that are coping well, including veggies that keep on producing- zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkin, chilli, scalloped squash and beans- we have had heaps of these!

We have made a few batches of sweet chilli sauce and kasundi- both family favourites!

tomatoes and chilli prepped for kasundi
yummy tomatoes, chillies and spices bubbling away
– we have had plenty of home grown veggies for dinner! Some of the squash get overlooked and are then big enough to stuff and bake

The hot weather has brought out some rarely seen animals – like a Boxer Bark Mantid, one we have never seen before, and a very large trapdoor spider which unfortunately drowned in the pool on its evening explore.