
We see lots of these beautiful King Skinks, some of them are huge! One particularly large one is a regular visitor in the roof, and this one dropped down from the grapevines above the door and raced inside on Christmas Eve. After hunting everywhere we assumed it had gone out again, but on Christmas morning we saw this when we turned on the kitchen light!!

King skink on the wall near the kitchen light switch

King skink on the wall near the kitchen light switch

Fortunately it was a cool morning and it was easy to catch in a towel and release outside.

This one must have slipped or fallen into the bin of wheat when the lid hadn’t been replaced, and made a great photo!


Not only the birds eat the grapes!

King skink eating the fish food!

King skink eating the fish food! (Photo by Lucky Mac Photography)

The Southern heath monitor or Rosenbergs goanna is not common apparently, so we are thrilled to have seen one here!



We also get a lot of tiger snakes, like this one admiring our art work!


Hmmm, tasty?

It is amazing how agile these animals are, as this series of photos shows:


Taking the steps



We also see lots of Bearded Dragons:

Western Bearded Dragon

Western Bearded Dragon (photo by Lucky Mac Photography)


Bearded Dragon

They are amazing how they stay so still in the hope they are not seen, even when picking up the stick they are on! This isn’t a great photo, but shows the tenacity of the Bearded Dragon!

I’m not really here….I am just a stick…..

Blue tongue lizards of course…

Blue tongue lizard

Plus  we have occasionally seen Western Long-necked Turtles (Oblong Turtles) in the ‘dam’, though we haven’t managed to get a proper photo yet!

Western long necked turtle head

Just peeping out (photo by Lucky Mac Photography)

Western long necked turtle

Western long necked turtle carapace as it swims away (photo by Lucky Mac Photography)

Family of King skinks sunning on the rocks

Family of King skinks sunning on the rocks

And of course the odd dugite………………

Decent sized dugite right in front of the gate!

Decent sized dugite right in front of the gate!