We are by no means self-sufficient, but we do what we can, when we can, to live as sustainably is possible at this point in our lives.
Some of the things we do are:
* grow some of our own vegetables and fruit
* grow some of our own meat
* grow our own fish previously in the swimming pool and now in in the aquaponics system
* we keep beesĀ
* reduce our use of electricity-with 26 solar panels we are able to produce enough electricity in summer to cover what we use. A solar hot water system also has dramatically reduced our electricity needs.
* supply our own firewood- from trees that have died on our property. Unless a tree has fallen in an inconvenient place, we store our firewood vertically! This saves space and eliminates double handling.
* we tried allowing the sheep to graze the lawn around the house in McCarthy Park 1, but decided not to bring them to McCarthy Park 2.
* we have allocated part of the property as ‘sanctuaries’. The dogs and stock are not allowed in these areas to encourage native flora and fauna.