Well, what a surprise we had yesterday….a new lamb! We weren’t expecting any more as the ewes who hadn’t given birth already are only 1 year old, plus Wiltshires supposedly have a once a year breeding period in February/March. Wiltshire lambs born in October is not usual!! Fortunately, the very young mum and her little boy lamb are doing fine….and the other 1 year old ewe is obviously pregnant too!
Tag Archives: Sheep
Sheep doing their job!
The sheep do a great job of tidying up the weeds! We have to watch them closely when they are in our ‘sanctuaries’ because once they have had enough of the weeds they discover the tasty natives…..this tidy up took three days, and then we moved them out!
Possums, lambs and lettuce!!!
The possum is becoming more and more comfortable around us and now resides in the workcoming emerging from its slumber at dusk to look for food!
Our first lambs of this season were born on 7th August, and are looking good so far!
The aquaponics system is certainly continuing to excell! The growth is greater than that in the soil garden, to the extent that we are having to do some thinning out. The trout are growing very well too!
Spring has sprung at McCarthy Park!
We have been very lucky with the weather this year- warm enough and wet enough for everything to grow! The wheat/barley mix we sowed in the ‘back paddock’ as a food source for the sheep has been very successful.
Also, the rabbits have had kittens, the sheep have had lambs, the chooks have had chicks and a duck is sitting on eggs!